Choosing Education Over Other Persuits
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Choosing Education Over Other Persuits

When I graduated from high school, I thought about seeing the world. I wanted to take a year off of school, travel to foreign countries and see what I could do and see abroad. I got a passport and was just about to leave on my journey when a family member mentioned something about college. Their little comment made me stop and realize how much my trip would cost and how it might curb my education. This blog is all about choosing education over other pursuits, and learning how to prioritize your life goals. After all, without an education, you can't go far.


Choosing Education Over Other Persuits

  • Steps To Take When You Want A Job In The Media But There Are No Current Openings

    24 February 2017

    If you've dreamed of working in the news industry and have gotten the necessary education, your next mission is to find a news agency that is hiring. If your initial pursuit of a media job doesn't come to fruition, don't get discouraged and try to find work in another field. Instead, there are a number of useful steps that you can take to work toward a job in this exciting industry.

  • Bilingual Preschool: How To Take The Learning Home

    27 January 2017

    You've heard about the benefits of sending your child to a bilingual preschool. But you don't speak a second language. That said, you still want to support your child's early language learning. What can you do to help your child learn a new language – when you don't speak it yourself? Check out these ways to get creative and help your child, even if you aren't bilingual yourself. Ask for Pronunciations

  • Mistakes To Never Make When Preparing To Drive A Car For The First Time

    26 January 2017

    Learning how to drive can be a very exciting and liberating thing to do for yourself. When you are able to drive, you will be empowered to not only operate a motor vehicle, but also drive yourself wherever you want to go. It's a rite of passage for many teenagers to try to get their driver's license as soon as they turn 16 or the legal driving age in their state.

  • Tips To Resolve Conflict With Your Daycare Provider

    4 November 2016

    Your child's daycare provider plays an important role in his or her development. To help your child be successful while attending daycare, you and the provider need to have a good relationship. Unfortunately, disagreements can make this difficult. Here are some ways you and your provider can resolve the disagreement and still stay focused on the child's welfare.   Listen to Your Child Many conflicts between parents and daycare providers start after a child relays an event that occurred in daycare.

  • Dropping Your Little One Off? How Parents Can Deal With Their Own Separation Anxiety

    2 November 2016

    When the topic of separation anxiety comes up, must often the conversation is surrounding the impact on the child and how to help them cope. What about parents? When a new parent must return to work and drop their child off at a child care center, this can be a disheartening process. There are ways to cope and manage through this; here are some tips to help you along the way.